New Web Video: In Denial
President Obama has been in office now for 200 days, and the second hundred days of his administration have been worse than the first. The $787 billion stimulus experiment he rushed through Congress still isn’t creating jobs. The job-killing national energy tax he rushed through the House is threatening families and small businesses with higher energy bills. And now he wants to rush through Congress a $1.6 trillion government-run health care experiment that will make health care more expensive, add to the deficit and cause tens of millions of Americans to lose their current health insurance and doctors. President Obama has done all of this in just 200 days – and there are still 1,260 days left in his term. America can’t take any more of President Obama’s experiments.
Contact Key Elected Officials
President Obama and Congressional Democrats promised fiscally responsibility, yet they’ve launched a massive experiment with our economy that costs trillions of dollars and will leave our children with mountains of debt. Now they want to do the same with our health care system.
Click on the your state—urge your Member of Congress to honor their campaign promises for fiscal responsibility. Tell them to oppose the Obama health care experiment because it is too much, too soon. Tell them to support common sense reform that is fiscally responsible, reduces cost, preserves the rights of patients to choose their own doctors and that eases the financial burden on small businesses and American families.
TV Ad: “Grand Experiment”
Once again President Obama and Congressional Democrats are rushing through a grand experiment that will have serious consequences for future generations of Americans. It started with their failed stimulus bill and has now moved on to a trillion-dollar government-run health care plan that is simply wrong for America. Republicans know we need health care reform – costs are too high and families are struggling to afford quality care. But the Democrats’ plan would raise taxes on small businesses and lead to higher costs and rationed care.
New Web Video: “Reforma”
President Obama and Congressional Democrats make their government-run health care scheme sound like it is the solution to America’s health care problems. Far from it. President Obama and Congressional Democrats are trying to hide the side effects of their massive health care experiment which includes higher health care costs, enormous tax increases on families and small businesses and would cause millions of Americans to lose their private health care coverage. The Democrats’ experiment with America’s health care system is a risk America cannot afford.
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